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Themes covered during the 2 days

Thursday September 26


Morning session themes:

  • Opening session
  • Numerical Weather Prediction


Afternoon session themes:

  • Climate modeling
  • Nonlinear dynamics and complexity science


Friday September 27


Morning session themes:

  • Climatological networks
  • Remote sensing (radars, satellites...)


Afternoon session themes:

  • Geomagnetism and ionospheric research.
  • Lightning research





Invited speakers

André Berger (UCL, Belgium)

  • Past climates, a key to the future ? (do we have good analogues for the future global warming?) 


Christian Bouquegneau (UMons, Belgium)

  • Lightning Risk Assessment and Lightning Ground Flash Density


Guy Brasseur (CSC, Germany)

  • From Meteorology to Aeronomy and Atmospheric Chemistry


Vincent Courtillot (Paris-Didrot University, France)

  • Evidence for significant solar signatures in some 20th century  geophysical and climatological time series


Gaston Demarée (RMI, Belgium)

  • The history of instrumental meteorological observations in Belgium: a dialogue between Hippocrates, Vergilius and Mercurius


Steven Dewitte (RMI, Belgium)

  • History of radiation measurements at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium


Jean-François Geleyn (Météo-France, France)

  • Beyond 'Dufour and Van Mieghem, 1975', contribution of the third law to the thermodynamic of moist atmospheric open systems


Michael Ghil (ENS, Paris, France, and UCLA)

  • Extreme events: Dynamics, Statistics and prediction


Tilman Gneiting (Heidelberg University, Germany)

  • Statistical postprocessing of ensemble weather forecasts 


Phil Jones (CRU, United-Kingdom)

  • History of global temperature estimation – Köppen to satellites


Peter Lynch (UCD Dublin, Ireland)

  • Numerical Integration using Laplace Transforms


Catherine Nicolis (RMI, Belgium)

  • Climate response to externally induced time-dependent forcings: signatures and early warnings


Tim Palmer (Oxford University, United-Kingdom)

  • Blurring the boundary between dynamics and physics in weather and climate models.


Jean Rasson (RMI, Belgium)

  • Contributions of RMI to Geophysics. 


Ehrhard Raschke (Hamburg University, Germany)

  • History of Earth Radiation Budget measurements.


Bodo Reinisch (LDI, USA)

  • Mapping the Global Ionosphere: RMI's Contributions


Piet Termonia (RMI, Belgium)


  •  Atmospheric modeling at the RMI: the past, the present and the future.


Remko Uijlenhoet (Wageningen University, The Netherlands)

  • Remote sensing of rainfall: a challenge for meteorology and hydrology